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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


Charitable Partnerships

As a Church school, we strongly believe in supporting our Local, British and global charitable trusts. Please read below to find out more:

Epping Forest Foodbank: The EFF provide emergency food parcels to people who live in or near the Epping Forest District who have been referred to them by frontline care professionals. As a local school, we can make a referral on your behalf. Please speak to the front office or a school leader. To visit the EFF website, CLICK HERE

Hannah at Epping Foodbank thanks us for our Harvest time donations, and also explains what can be donated and what items are in their 3 day emergency food parcels to families in need. Watch the video below. 

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC): The DEC brings together 15 leading aid charities to raise funds quickly and efficiently at times of crisis overseas. The DEC are who we support if you are looking at donating to Ukraine's humanitarian appeal. To visit the DEC website, CLICK HERE