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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - SEND

Please visit the 'Policy' webpage to access our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy (Including School SEND Information Report)

Our SENCo is Mrs Joanne Smart. Mrs Smart has over 20 years of teaching experience and has gained the Masters level National Award for SEN Co-ordination. Mrs Smart is in school on Mondays to Thursdays and can be contacted via email: or contacting the school's office: 01992 574 890

Our SEND Governor
Our SEND governor, Mr. Ed Gamwells, can be contacted via the school office on

Our School Ethos for SEND Pupils
At Coopersale and Theydon Garnon Primary School, we value all children as individuals with a range of abilities, aptitudes and needs. We are committed to inclusion and will ensure that all SEND children participate as fully as possible in learning as well as in physical, practical and extra-curricular activities.
We are committed to giving every child the opportunity and encouragement to achieve their full potential by offering access to a broad, balanced and creative curriculum. We aim to raise the aspirations and expectations for all children with SEND, in order for them to become independent learners. We respect the fact that children have differing needs and will therefore require different strategies for learning and a range of different teaching approaches and experiences.

Click here to read the DfE SEND Code of Practice.
Statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities

Essex Inclusion Statement
Our school supports the Essex Inclusion Statement. Click here to view

Support for Parents

The Local Offer
Essex County Council has a website providing comprehensive information regarding what is available in the area for families of children with Special Educational Needs.
This can be found at :

The Bridge SEND Bulletin – Connecting Families, Young People and Services Together
We want to make it easy for families to keep informed about information in their Local Area and across Essex. The Bridge Bulletin has been created to support families and young people with SEND and put helpful information into one place from across Health, Education and Care.

Click here to access the bulletin

The Parent Partnership
The Parent Partnership is a support service available to parents of children with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs). They are not linked to schools and offer a free advice service to parents. The Parent Partnership can be contacted by telephone: 01245 436036, or by email:

SNAP (Special Needs and Parents)
SNAP is a registered charity offering support, advice and resources for children living in Essex between 0 – 25 years who have any special need or disability.
No formal diagnosis or professional referral is necessary to access SNAP services.

Click here for a direct link to

Educational Psychology Service Parent Helpline
The Educational Psychology Service Parent Helpline is for carers and parents of children and young people up to the age of 19 with concerns about their children’s education or development. Click here to read the Education Psychology Parent Helpline flyer.