Equality Objective
See our Policies webpage to access our Equality Objective policy
Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the
need to:
- Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010.
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people
who do not share it. - Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected
characteristic and people who do not share it.
Our Equality Objectives are:
Objective 1: To train all members of staff involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
Why we have chosen this objective: To build on our current processes and procedures to ensure that all staff involved in the recruitment process have received the most up-to-date training available to raise awareness of the principles of the Equality Act.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Provide for staff involved in the recruitment process to receive the most up-to-date training available to raise awareness of the principles of the Equality Act (Equality and Diversity Awareness Training).
Objective 2: To raise equality awareness with pupils and staff, ensuring tolerance and respect towards individuals who identify with any of the protected characteristics.
Why we have chosen this objective: To help foster good relationships across all characteristics between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it by having the need and regard to tackle prejudice and promote understanding.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Action plan special assemblies and learning opportunities for all pupils on a range of equality awareness topics.
Objective 3: To ensure that the schools promote role models and heroes that young people positively identify with, who reflect and broaden the school’s diversity in terms of race, gender and disability etc.
Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure that pupils have examples of people from diverse backgrounds and abilities to inspire, motivate and help shape their character and personality as they grow. To help pupils to recognise appropriate behaviour and try to acquire admirable qualities by seeing examples of successful people from all walks of life.
To achieve this objective, we plan to: Display examples of successful people prominently on noticeboards throughout the school. Ensure that teachers are using a wide variety of examples of role models in their lessons, engaging in positive discussions on diversity and promoting the idea that it is possible for everyone to achieve their goals in life regardless of race, gender or disability. Assemblies promoting the Fundamental British Values, the rights respecting values and equal opportunities ethos of the school and displaying examples of these as constant reminders throughout the school.