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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Spelling and Craft Clubs - last session after school today

Spelling and Craft Clubs - last session after school today

14 December 2022 (by admin)

To the parents of children in Mrs Gardiner's Spelling club,

To confirm, the club will still be running after school today. However, if you choose to collect your child at normal home time, due to the weather conditions, that is fine. Today is the last day of the club for the term. 

Thank you,

Mrs Gardiner

To the parents of children in Miss Geddis’ craft club,

To confirm, the club will still be running today. However, if you do not want your child to attend due to the weather conditions, that is fine. If your child will not be attending, they can collect their craft box from my classroom at any point before the Christmas holiday.

Thank you,
Miss Geddis