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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Gymnastics club now Cheerleading club

Gymnastics club now Cheerleading club

12 July 2024 (by admin)

Dear Families,

The other day we sent out a booking letter for the three clubs on offer from September, at school, being led by 'Christina Marks School of Performing Arts'. 

We have just been informed by them that they are no longer able to offer Gymnastics on a Friday. This has now been changed to Cheerleading. 

If you have any questions or booking issues, please go directly to Christina Marks, her details are on the letter. 

With kind regards,

Coopersale and Theydon Garnon C.E. Primary School