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Coopersale & Theydon Garnon C.E. (V.C) Primary School


01992 574890

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back to School

2 September 2024 (by admin)

Dear Families,

We hope that everyone had a wonderful summer break and look forward to seeing you back at school this Wednesday 4th September (Years 1 to 6).

A reminder to Reception starters, details of the induction arrangements can be found on the school’s website, the link to the exact webpage is below.

Reminder – Start and Finish times

The school day officially starts at 8.50am and ends at 3.20pm. We will continue to offer parents the ‘soft’ opening and exit meaning children can continue to be dropped off between 8.40am-8.50am and can be collected between 3.15pm-3.20pm.

P.E Days

Children will continue to wear their school P.E kit on the days they have P.E. This will be twice weekly for Years 1 to 6, and once weekly for Reception class.

P.E will start this from this week!

P.E days for this term are:

Year 1 – Tuesdays and Fridays

Year 2 – Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 3 (Class 3L – Miss Luck) – Tuesdays and Thursdays

Year 3 (Class 3M – Miss Moxham) – Mondays and Tuesdays

Year 4 – Thursdays and Fridays

Year 5 – Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 6 - Mondays and Wednesdays

Reception class will begin P.E sessions in November. The day of the week will be confirmed closer to the time.

Shine Clubs (our breakfast and after-school club childcare provider)

Shine Clubs reopens from our first day back to school (Wednesday 4th September).

 Year 3 School Dinners

A reminder to our Year 3 parents, now that your child is in Key Stage 2, unless they are registered as a Free School Meal, pupil school dinners are no longer free. A separate Jotter letter is being sent out next, to give further details on how to check if your child is Free School Meal eligible.

With Kind Regards,

Coopersale and Theydon Garnon C.E. Primary School